
Health | Bio

Dr. Li Yan

Dr Li Yan was formerly a professor at Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TUTCM), where she taught graduate level courses in Chinese Internal Medicine. She is also a council member of gynecology section at the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies.

She received her clinical practices in acupuncture from the leading Chinese acupuncturist professor Shi Xue-min. She also received her training gynecology from the leading Chinese TCM gynecologic expert, professor HAN Bing, who is president of the gynecology section at the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies.

Dr Li was also a student of professor Li Jing (a leading medical doctor in TCM) while undertaking her graduate study. She has over 30 years of clinical experience and is specialized in using TCM and acupuncture treating various health problems. She is especially an expert in treating gastro-intestinal problems, gynecological problems such as infertility and abnormal menstruation, dermatological diseases and using acupuncture to treat various pain problems. She is a registered practitioner of Chinese medicine and acupuncturist in Ontario. She has been practising in Ontario for several years and is also specialized in treating the health problems below:

Stomach trouble, Gastritis, Gastric Ulcer, GERD, diarrhea, flu, cough, asthma, allergic rhinitis, gout, high blood pressure, diabetes, cardiacarrhythmia, stress, depression, headache, migraine, constipation, anaemia, nephritis.

Gynecological diseases:infertility, habitual abortion, abnormal menstruation, dysmenorrhea, hypomenorrhea, metrostaxis, galactagogue, PID-PELVIC inflammatory disease, Fibroid tumor of uterus, menopause, tennis elbow, periarthritis, sciatica, lumber disc herniation, contusion, sport injury, cervical spondylosis, facial palsy, sequel of apoplexy, arthritis, joint pain.

Dermatological diseases:eczema, urticaria, psoriasis, herpes zoster, acne

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